Peer Review #2
I have looked at things very differently after acknowledging the role that narratives play in out life, mainly because I have never thought of them like that before. Relationships are one thing that I thought hard about because I believe that narratives play a role in relationships. “Life Stories” by Julie Beck, Beck says “in … [Read more…]
When rereading I am not a Story by Galen Strawson, there were a lot of thing I didn’t see the first time and a lot I could elaborate on because of the conversations we had in class. The first thing I notice was in his introduction when he stated the psychologist Jerome Bruner and how … [Read more…]
I agree and disagree to so many things Galen had to say. In his first paragraph he list three different philosophers, who in some way all state that we as human beings are all narrative who write stories about our lives. Then he goes on to say how he doesn’t believe that. Galen thinks its … [Read more…]
The part about “in order to have relationships, we’ve all had to tell little pieces of our story”, stood out to me in the fact that you never really know someone until you know who they are and other then being around that person all the time you also have to listen to their story. … [Read more…]
Under writer as driver, the ballot that “have you used synthesis to create new meaning?” I am unsure of what it is asking there. Synthesis of what? Am I creating a new meaning of my own ideas or taking them from the articles? Under Organization, “Is there a logical relationship between your claim sentence and … [Read more…]
When writing me first draft I did keep reminding myself that it was just the first draft and that it doesn’t need to be perfect. I did worry though about what my peers were going to say about it when they read it. I related to and though it was funny in Lamott’s short essay … [Read more…]
Stakes: How metaphors affect our health and wellbeing How much power to metaphor writers have The conversation at hand is what role do metaphors play in our overall well being and how are they affecting us? The patients are who these metaphors apply to. The scope of my paper is to identify how metaphors affect … [Read more…]
“The trouble with Medicine’s Metaphors” by Dhruv Khullar, Khullar was saying that the medical language we use has been around for awhile because we use the language of warfare. Using words like “fighter” and “battle” when talking about an illness and how a patient uses it. I was critical about this essay because I felt … [Read more…]