I have looked at things very differently after acknowledging the role that narratives play in out life, mainly because I have never thought of them like that before. Relationships are one thing that I thought hard about because I believe that narratives play a role in relationships. “Life Stories” by Julie Beck, Beck says “in order to have relationships, we’ve got to all had a tell little pieces of our story”, that makes me realize that to get to know someone and how they really are you have to them your story but also listen to theirs. I can connect this to a quote that Stevens mom made in his narrative project that because she decided to get a new job that was closer to her family and she wasn’t working as much she was able “have better relationships with her sons”, who knows what would have happened if she keep her job. This two quotations connect to each not only by being about relationships but to show how important relationships are in out lives and we might not ever experience them if we don’t tell are narraitve story.