“The trouble with Medicine’s Metaphors” by Dhruv Khullar, Khullar was saying that the medical language we use has been around for awhile because we use the language of warfare. Using words like “fighter” and “battle” when talking about an illness and how a patient uses it. I was critical about this essay because I felt as though he was writing things based on facts and not how a patient really feels. It’s the patient who should decided how they want to see their illness.
After reading the prompt again I think that metaphors ingeneral play a huge role in are lives, through medicine and health into it and how doctors talk to their patents is all metaphorical. I do believe there are some downsides to it and that is how the patient will react to the metaphor involving their health.
From “Metaphorically speaking” I chose “Metaphorical thinking is essential to how we understand ourselves and other, how we communicate, learn, discover, and invent” because this is how patients can understand their illness or disease better if they can relate it to something, it is also essential to how patients communicate with their doctors.
Form “See through words” I chose ” you have to be care fully with emotional responses” because the way a patient takes the metaphor and if they take it in the wrong way could lead them to having mental health issues.
From “the trouble with medicine’s metaphors” I chose “metaphors may be as necessary to illness as they are to literature, as comforting to the patient as his own bathrobe and slippers” because I think this shows how metaphors can help a patient feel more comfortable if they can relate it to being in their own “bathrobe”.
Elisha Emerson
I love your enthusiastic annotations!
You’ve selected some good quotes. I encourage you to practice being as specific as possible with your language. As you write your intro paragraph, try to use as many details (concrete words) as possible.